In addition to the technical journal containing daily entries and weekly goals, brief reports are made for each iteration in the completion of the project. This method of documentation highlights the basic steps of which the project is composed.
Iteration I: Planning and creation of website (30 September 2002)
Iteration II: Java and PHP (11 October 2002)
Iteration III: Proposal (LATEX) and completion of requirements for Quarter I (24 October 2002)
Oral Report I: Accomplishments in Quarter I and plans for Quarter II (30 October 2002)
Iteration IV: Retrieval of current value of major indices using PHP (18 November 2002)
Portfolio Review I: Preparation for formal evaluation of progress since Quarter I (18 November 2002)
Iteration V: Retrieval of technical data for listings on the major indices (10 December 2002)
Iteration VI: Digital version of poster (16 December 2002Drafted; 28 January 2003Completed)
Description: Summary of project for a technical journal (25 February 2003)
Scientific Method: The iterative process and the scientific method (25 February 2003)
Version 3.1: Current version of interface and future plans (04 March 2003)
Iteration VII: Comprehensive analysis of progress and goals (11 March 2003)
Iteration VIII: Creation of initial interface (27 March 2003)
Technical Paper (Draft): Updated to include developments in Quarter III (01 May 2003) [updated]
Iteration IX: Documentation for Quarter III (03 April 2003)
All reports and administrative requirements for Quarter IV are list on the home page.