Problem and Purpose
Currently, many websites offer online services to track the
performance of stock portfolios. However, many of these user interfaces
display limited amounts of information, offering no analysis or advice to
users. In conjunction with a concurrent study in technical analysis and
other strategies used to predict stock movements, an online user interface
can be made to offer comprehensive analysis of stock performance and
advice on managing the portfolio. This project will combine the
convenience of online interfaces with the thoroughness typically reserved
for paper to create a single destination for viewing current conditions
and future possibilities.
An online database will be used to track stock movements and
related data. A variety of charts will be available to the user, who will
be able to select scales, timeframes, and other variables. The
presentation of investor-specific advice and analysis will depend on the
results of the simultaneous project regarding the performance of various
strategies in predicting stock movements. As more patterns emerge from
this project, the level of advice can be elevated to include the newest
conclusions on managing a portfolio. While the program will incorporate a
view to large profits in the short term and "hot" stocks, the focus will
be based on a long period of investment and solid, reliable performers.
Research, to be conducted during Quarter I, will include learning PHP and MySQL
so that stock data can be stored and analyzed. JavaScript will facilitate
creation of an aesthetically pleasing interface.
Procedure and Methodology
Many of the details remain undetermined at the moment.
Consultations between the two programmers in the upcoming weeks will
provide greater direction to the individual efforts of each student.
However, some of the finer points will be resolved when a decision becomes
an immediate necessity because the nature of these projects requires
flexibility and assessments based on substantial evidence. Despite these
obvious limitations to scheduling in advance, the tentative timetable for
the project's interface component is as follows:
The final result will be an online financial manager that provides
computerized analysis of stock movements presented according to the
preferences of the user. Thorough research in all aspects of the project
will allow the product to dominate with the bulls and withstand the bears.