Rhododendron prunifolium, the Plum Leaf Azalea, is one of the
latest native azaleas to bloom. The orange to vivid red flowers open
in late summer and measure 1.5 to nearly 2 inches across. Flower buds for the
next season are usually formed before the current season's blossoms open.
First collected by R.M. Harper in 1913, R. prunifolium has a very
small natural distribution in southwestern Georgia and eastern Alabama. There are
a number of nurseries that carry this excellent native azalea since it propagates
readily by seeds or cuttings. Plants should be grown with afternoon shade to
prolong the flowers during hot summer months.
The author of this website has also painted a watercolor of
Rhododendron prunifolium
to accompany his study of this wonderful native azalea.
Distribution Map
Plants in the Wild

Harris Co., GA

Stewart Co., GA (Providence Canyon State Park)

Harris Co., GA
Variations in Flower Form

Stewart Co., GA (Providence Canyon State Park)

Harris Co., GA

Stewart Co., GA (Providence Canyon State Park)

Stewart Co., GA (Providence Canyon State Park)
The images presented here are reproduced with permission from
color slides taken by the Species Study Group
of the Middle Atlantic Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society.
The slides are numbered, and correspond to the sequence used in the
program Eastern Native Azalea Species
presented by George K. McLellan at the East Coast Regional Conference
of the ARS in November 1999.