R. periclymenoides (synonymous with R. nudiflorum
is the common Pinxterbloom Azalea found in the lower Appalacian Mountains, Piedmont
and Coastal Plains from Massachusetts to north Georgia and Alabama.
The white to pink flowers open in mid spring as the foliage is expanding, are
they slightly fragrant. The blossoms measure approximately 1 to 1.5
inches across and the stamens are more than twice the length of the corolla tube.
Discovered by the Rev. John Banister and introduced to England in 1734, this
species is often confused with
R. canescens.
In addition to differences in the natural range of the two species,
R. periclymenoides can be distinguised by
its flower tubes which are typically fuzzy or pubescent but do not have sticky
glandular hairs on the back.
Distribution Map
Plants in the Wild

Franklin Co., VA

Petersburg, VA

Bedford Co., VA

Surry Co., VA
Variations in Flower Form

Gloucester, VA

Gloucester, VA

Bedford Co., VA

Howard Co., MD
The images presented here are reproduced with permission from
color slides taken by the Species Study Group
of the Middle Atlantic Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society.
The slides are numbered, and correspond to the sequence used in the
program Eastern Native Azalea Species
presented by George K. McLellan at the East Coast Regional Conference
of the ARS in November 1999.