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Oral Report

  • Major goal of project: "An Online User Interface for Tracking Stock Portfolios"
  • Related research
        —Database organization and management
             —A First Course in Database Systems by Jeff Ullman and Jennifer Widom
             —"Introduction to Database Management Systems" (Virginia Polytechnic Institute)
             —"Database Systems" (University of Virginia)
        —Design of user interfaces
             —User Interface Design for Programmers by Joel Spolksy
             —Computer-Human Interaction
  • Review of the iterative process
        —Prelude to the Interface
        —Preliminary Interface
        —Enhancing the Interface
  • Detail of special techniques
        —Searching for strings online
        —Coordinating database and interface
  • Demonstraton of interface
        —Series of PHP programs
        —Entering the interface
        —Viewing portfolio
  • Conclusion
        —Summary of accomplishments
        —Future work
  • Questions from audience
