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camera {                    
    location <-3,-4,12>         //where are you
    look_at <0,0,0>             //where are you looking

light_source {
    <-1,-2,11>                  //where is light
    color rgbf<1,1,1>           //what color light

sphere {
    <0,0,0>,5                   //where is sphere, size
    pigment { 
        image_map {
            gif "globe.gif"     //map texture
            map_type 1          //how texture is applied to surface
            interpolate 0 
        rotate <0, clock*20/16,0>   //spin with time

cone { <0,0,7>.5,              //cone base and radius
        <0,0,5>,0               //cone point
        pigment {color rgbf <1,1,0,.3>} //color
        rotate <0, clock*20/16,0>

sphere { <0,0,7>, .125
    pigment {color rgbf <0,0,1,1-sin(clock * 3.1415926535/16)>}   //change brightness

Immanuel Buder 2003-06-03