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8c: Final Iteration Progress Report (#6)
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This is the cellular automata, which defines the interactions between the rules and the test arrays,
as well as the determination and recording of success.
import java.util.Random;
* @author Austin Rachlin
* Summer 2002
* Majority Classification Problem
//Uses 7 neighbors
class test
int[] array = new int[149];
class rule
int[] array = new int[128];
int val;
public class MCP
public static Random rand;
static { rand = new java.util.Random();}
public static void main(String[] args)
//Calls CreateArrays
//Calls CreateRules
//Calls RunAllRules
//Returns some value
//Modifiable variables
int NumberOfTests=100;
int NumberOfRules=100;
int NumberOfFinalTests=1000;
test[] TestList = new test[NumberOfTests];
rule[] RuleList = new rule[NumberOfRules];
// int nbrs = 3;
RunAllRules(RuleList, TestList);
rule Best = SelectBest(RuleList);
test[] FinalTestList = new test[NumberOfFinalTests];
float result = FinalExam(Best, FinalTestList);
//Calls SelectBest
//Calls FinalExam
System.out.println("Result: " + result + "%");
public static void DisplayArrays(test List)
String str = "";
for (int i = 0; i < List.array.length; i++)
str += List.array[i];
public static void DisplayArrays(rule List)
String str = "";
for (int i = 0; i < List.array.length; i++)
str += List.array[i];
System.out.println("Rule: " + str + " val: " + List.val);
public static void PrintArray(test List)
String str = "";
for (int i = 0; i < List.array.length; i++)
if (List.array[i] == 1)
str += "|";
str += " ";
public static void CreateArrays(test[] List) //Takes 2D array of arrays (empty) and # of desired arrays
//Creates all of the arrays
//2D array of all the individual arrays
for (int i = 0; i < List.length; i++)
List[i] = new test();
for (int j = 0; j < List[i].array.length; j++)
if (rand.nextBoolean() == true)
List[i].array[j] = 0;
List[i].array[j] = 1;
public static void CreateArrays(rule[] List) //Takes 2D array of arrays (empty) and # of desired arrays
//Creates all of the arrays
//2D array of all the individual arrays
for (int i = 0; i < List.length; i++)
List[i] = new rule();
for (int j = 0; j < List[i].array.length; j++)
List[i].val = 0;
if (rand.nextBoolean() == true)
List[i].array[j] = 0;
List[i].array[j] = 1;
public static void RunAllRules(rule[] RuleList, test[] TestList) //Takes all rules and tests
//Runs a loop to call ApplyRuleToAllTests for every rule
boolean prnt = false;
for (int i=0; i < RuleList.length; i++)
ApplyRuleToAllTests(RuleList[i], TestList, prnt);
public static void ApplyRuleToAllTests(rule Rule, test[] TestList, boolean prnt) //Takes a rule and all tests
//Runs a loop to call ApplyRuleToSingleTest for all tests
for (int i =0; i < TestList.length; i++)
ApplyRuleToSingleTest(Rule, TestList[i], prnt);
public static void ApplyRuleToSingleTest(rule Rule, test Test, boolean prnt) //Takes a rule and a test
//Applies the individual rule to an individual test
//Calls EvalArray
//Calls StoreArray
//Calls RecordSuccess
int runTime = 100;
test T1 = Test;
int maj = FindMajority(Test, prnt);
int runs = 0;
for (int i=0; i < Test.array.length; i++)
T1.array[i] = EvalArray(i, Rule, Test);
if (prnt == true)
runs ++;
}while ((AllSame(Test) == false) & (runs < runTime));
if (prnt == true)
for (int i=0; i < 5; i++)
Rule.val += RecordSuccess(maj, T1);
public static int FindMajority(test Test, boolean prnt)
int on = 0;
int off = 0;
for (int i=0; i < Test.array.length; i++)
if (Test.array[i] == 0)
if (Test.array[i] == 1)
if (prnt == true)
System.out.println("BLACK: " + on);
System.out.println("WHITE: " + off);
if (on > off)
if (prnt == true)
System.out.println("majority: ON");
return 1;
if (prnt == true)
System.out.println("majority: OFF");
return 0;
/* public static int EvalArray(int pos, rule Rule, test Test) //Takes a single position and a rule
//Evaluates the array at a single position according to the rule
int x;
int y;
int z;
if (pos == 0)
x = Test.array[Test.array.length-1];
x = Test.array[pos-1];
y = Test.array[pos];
if (pos == Test.array.length - 1)
z = Test.array[0];
z = Test.array[pos + 1];
int val = (((x << 1) | y) << 1) | z;
return Rule.array[val];
public static int EvalArray(int pos, rule Rule, test Test) //Takes a single position and a rule
//Evaluates the array at a single position according to the rule
int min3;
int min2;
int min1;
int cntr;
int max1;
int max2;
int max3;
if (pos == 0)
min3 = Test.array[Test.array.length-3];
min2 = Test.array[Test.array.length-2];
min1 = Test.array[Test.array.length-1];
else if (pos == 1)
min3 = Test.array[Test.array.length-2];
min2 = Test.array[Test.array.length-1];
min1 = Test.array[pos-1];
else if (pos == 2)
min3 = Test.array[Test.array.length-1];
min2 = Test.array[pos-2];
min1 = Test.array[pos-1];
min3 = Test.array[pos-3];
min2 = Test.array[pos-2];
min1 = Test.array[pos-1];
cntr = Test.array[pos];
if (pos == Test.array.length - 1)
max1 = Test.array[0];
max2 = Test.array[1];
max3 = Test.array[2];
else if (pos == Test.array.length - 2)
max1 = Test.array[pos + 1];
max2 = Test.array[0];
max3 = Test.array[1];
else if (pos == Test.array.length - 3)
max1 = Test.array[pos + 1];
max2 = Test.array[pos + 2];
max3 = Test.array[0];
max1 = Test.array[pos + 1];
max2 = Test.array[pos + 2];
max3 = Test.array[pos + 3];
int val = (((((((((((min3 << 1) | min2) << 1) | min1) << 1) | cntr) << 1) | max1) << 1) | max2) << 1) | max3;
// int val = (((x << 1) | y) << 1) | z;
return Rule.array[val];
/* public static void StoreArray() //Takes a single position value and location (x and y)
//Stores the resultant position of the array in the 2D array
public static int RecordSuccess(int maj, test T1) //Takes a rule and modified array
//Modifies the value of the rule depending upon the outcome
if (AllSame(T1) == true)
if (maj == T1.array[0])
return 1;
return 0;
public static boolean AllSame(test T1)
int check = T1.array[0];
boolean result = true;
for (int i = 0; i < T1.array.length; i++)
if (check != T1.array[i])
result = false;
return result;
public static int ReturnSuccess(rule Rule) //Takes a rule
//Returns the success of a single rule
return Rule.val;
public static rule SelectBest(rule[] RuleList)
//Chooses the best rule
rule Best = new rule();
Best.val = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < RuleList.length; i++)
if (RuleList[i].val > Best.val)
Best.array = RuleList[i].array;
Best.val = RuleList[i].val;
return Best;
public static float FinalExam(rule Best, test[] FinalTestList)
//Calls CreatArrays with enormous number
//Applies best rule to giant 2D array of landscapes
//Returns success rate
System.out.println("FINAL TEST");
// DisplayArrays(Best);
Best.val = 0;
boolean prnt = false;
ApplyRuleToAllTests(Best, FinalTestList, prnt);
System.out.println(Best.val + " / " + FinalTestList.length);
float val = Best.val;
float success = (100 * val / FinalTestList.length);
return success;