Big Joe- a hardy hybrid.
Springtime-poukhanense x kaempferi F2. Very hardy, not very evergreen. Usually misses
the last frost. 1937.
Stewartstonian- parentage not orangey red that requires white between it and
other azaleas. It's hard to plant this by a pinkish-purple azalea.
Corsage- Extremely vigorous; needs lots of room. Fragrant with age. Named by someone
La Roche- Hinodegiri x poukhanense. Very early and very hardy, if you can stand the color.
Caroline Gable- (poukhanense Hexe) x (poukhanense x kaempferi). red, late mid-season.
Elizabeth Gable (plant)- indicum x poukhanense-kaempferi. Late, very hardy and vigorous, and more evergreen than most. 1930.
Elizabeth Gable - Flower closeup.
Rose Greeley- early mid-season. Hardy; more so with age. 1940. The Goodriches planted a long hedgeof this in front of their
house. It's now 8 -9 foot tall and wide.
Lorna- Louise Gable x Caroline Gable . Double, hose-in-hose, very hardy. Faster growing and lighter pink than Rosebud. True
Rosebud is double, hose-in-hose, darker color, very hardy, and a slow grower. In years it may be only 2 feet high and wider.
Claret- (poukhanense x Hexe) F2. Hardy dwarf red, Named by someone else. The only place I've seen it is at the National
Louise Gable- indicum x (poukhanense x kaempferi) 1930. 6 feet tall and 8 feet wide in 25 years. Some people think this is the
best Gable produced.
Kathleen- (poukhanense x kaempferi) Early mid-season Pink. 1956.
Mary Dalton- kaempferi hybrid. Hose-in-hose , early mid-season, taller than wide. Red, best in partial shade or the flowers will
Mildred Mae- poukhanense x mucronatum. early mid season Very spreading. One at Gable's grew 30 feet wide in 50 years.
Campfire- Caroline Gable x Purple Splendour. Late midseason. Said to be hardy in Buffalo, N.Y.
Polaris- Springtime x Snow. Very floriferous, but has the same trouble as Snow, as the flowers hang on a long time before they