Iteration 4 progress report (AKA "version 3.1")

William Barratt


  Goal: Develop a program for steganography using PNG image files, improving the algorithm from previous iterations.

  Needs: a good source for help with the libpng library

  Expected Outcome: a user-friendly command-line program to hide a text message in a PNG file.

  Success test: The ability to extract the hidden message from the output file.

  Timeline: At least basic completion by end of Third Quarter (i.e., perhaps not with all bells and whistles and efficiencies)

Design: Initially, the program will use the same algorithm as previous iterations. The program will use the libpng library to create a matrix of pixel values that can be modified. After this method is working, a more efficient method can be developed.

Coding: CLICK HERE for code! Current coding status: working on getting PNG support to work, so no actual steganography going on in the PNG version 


For information about PNG and libpng, visit

Updated March 5, 2003

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