Eighth Iteration Progress Report~~
- Goal: Get Shipment page to work for the DC
- Get check in page to work for Stores
- Get discrepencies page to work for DC
Design Phase
- Design: MySql, html, and php
- All Coding can be found HERE
- Coding for this specific sites finished is:
Testing and Deployment Phase
- DC Shipment page
- Store Check in page
- DC Discrepency page
- Problems:
- For each one of those pages above, i had to link together three pages.
therefore i had to send information ie variables between the two and this got
quite confusing at times. for example it took me 30 mins to figure out a
problem and i realized it was all because in one of my headers i used a &
instead of a $. grrrr
- Solution:
- I set out and worked on one part at a time. Along the way i had to fix
other little problems that i found. However since most of the pages were
similar in at least some way, i could use copy/paste.
- The dc shipment page displays the inventory with an option to add any item
to a list (a table in my database) and it also stars the items that that
specific store ordered. Then at the end it shows the finalized list so that
items can be deleted. All this data is saved into a table.
- Then the store can check in this shipment in the Store check in page. Here
they see the shipment and then they input how many of an item they actually
received. Every time they check in an item, it is erased from the shipment table
and if there was a discrepency, it is added to a table that holds all these such
- The ordering page for the stores does not change. It is up to them to
update it and delete the items they have gotten in and to update it after each
- The final thing i did was make a page for the DC so they can check the
discrepencies. This simply displays the table that holds all the data. The
data fields include the store, the sku, the quantity sent, the quantity received
and the difference between the two (+ or -).
Next Goal
- Find all the little errors in program
- Maybe add some aspects to the different parts
- Figure out how to get a message system (perhaps email) to work