Fourth Iteration Progress Report~~
- Goal: Start MySql account, make a database for passwords, link this
database to log in page to make more secure login
Design Phase
- Design: MySql and php
- MySql database: 2*5 (five stores, each with a number and password)
- All Coding can be found HERE
Testing and Deployment Phase
- Tester Page
- Problems:
- When logging in, I was unable to send the user to another page
because you are not allowed to use a header() after the first lines of
- Solution: send the log-in information to another site that would
check it and then from there it could send you to the appropriate page
- Here is the order of sites:
- hello.php (form gets info, sends to next page)
- blah.php (using mysql, checks info)
- blah2.php (if incorrect info) or
- action.php or action2.php (stores/distribution center respectively)