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Results and Conclusions

I learned quite a bit from this project in both formal and informal ways. Formally, I now know the steps I should take to design better GUIs in the future. The stratagies and the plans for organization will help me with web-pages, projects, and GUI designs for the rest of my life. In another formal light I learned how to program in Python, and learning a second programming language has given me a new perspective on coding in general. I think that learning a third or fourth language will be easier now that I have a foundation in two languages and a broader means of comparison. Informally I picked up quiet a bit too. The process of research, of finding one's own answers to one's own questions, has been quite an experience. I learned the necessity of time optimization, the importance of seeking out one's own sources of information, and the need to set smaller goals which progressively lead to a final product. I enjoyed the times when I discovered something on my own, but important, too, was realizing when I couldn't find a solution on my own and that I must sometimes ask for help.

In the end I decided that while Python is a good language to use for creating a drawing program, the difficulties I experienced were a result of two things: 1) Python is not set up in a way that makes manipulating classes easy and perhaps I should have reorganized the structure of my program 2) The tutorials I used were not geared toward the sort of project I was doing and I would have to learn more Python, possibly from different sources, in order to get my project to a more functional level.

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Kelly L. Geoghegan 2003-06-03