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Using the resources of the Computer Systems Tech. Lab, such as Python Tutorial books and internet access, I worked alone on my project. Materials, or tools used in the creation of this project include a computer, the programming language Python, the text editor Nedit, and the actual code of the program.

As my objective was to create an easy to use drawing program, I went through a series of steps to reach that goal. My first task was to pick a language that would give me all of the tools I needed to make my drawing program. I went through a series of tutorials and languages, including Java, C++, Tkinter, and finally Python. Once I selected a language I went about learning the language and experimenting through a series of sample programs (see appendix A). My investigations into various Python capabilities gave me the background I needed to start programming my GUI, but I was not ready to begin coding yet. First I had to research methods for making the GUI understandable (see Background). I then started coding and set up my Frame and toolbars according to the GUI goals (see appendix B and C). My project is currently a canvas with a toolbar on the side. Eventually the buttons on the toolbar will control various activities on the canvas, but the project has not yet progressed that far. I am using a Python tutorial book to build my inventory of usable Python widgets. In the end I expect a program that will let the user draw, manipulate, and animate pictures. I will test my program for intuitiveness by measuring the amount of time it takes the average user to complete a given task.

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Kelly L. Geoghegan 2003-06-03