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Procedure and Methodology

To create a graphics program like the one I envision, first I must learn Python. After I have enough of a feel for the language's capabilities, I must create a workspace for the user. Next, I will make buttons that perform functions on the workspace. Finally, I will dress up my program with animation and possibly 3-D graphics.

In order to create the program I am designing, I will use Python and make use of its user-interface options. I must learn Python and especially focus on its graphics and interface capabilities.

I will need graphics to put on the buttons which convey the button's function. Otherwise, I will be creating the required graphics or allowing the user to create them.

My project does not call for the collection of data.

I will have others test the program when I have finished to verify that everything works and the tools are easy to understand and use I will ask people of varying computer literacy for feedback and input on the program and possible improvements.

As I have no data, I need not test for data errors. My only error analysis will be in finding and fixing the glitches in my program.

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Kelly L. Geoghegan 2002-10-22