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/*connection to MySQL account, selection of database, accessing table of users
and passwords*/

// is the alias for

$link = mysql_connect("", "jhess", "939525");
mysql_select_db("jhess", $link);

$query = "select * from portfolio";
$result = mysql_query($query, $link);
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);

//check for correct password
//only users are Mr. Latimer and Yosemite Sam

if ($ViewMethod=="Mr. Latimer")
 if ($password=="compsys")
  header("Location: portfolio.php?ViewMethod=$ViewMethod&password=compsys");
 else header ("Location: reject.php");

if ($ViewMethod=="Yosemite Sam")
 if ($password=="boots")
  header("Location: portfolio.php?ViewMethod=$ViewMethod&password=boots");
 else header ("Location: reject.php");


Joseph B. Hess 2003-06-13