Next: Results
Up: Development
Previous: Preliminary Interface
Quarter IV: Completing and enhancing the interface. In the fourth and
final part of this project, the capabilities of the interface were to be
expanded as much as possible, including introducing technical data to the
display. Modifications to the design and the format of the output were expected
in order to maintain the principles of the design of user interfaces in the
final product.
- Iteration X: Expanding functionality of interface. The technical data
first displayed in Iteration V were added to the interface. The format of
these additions and of the previously included information was changed in order
to increase the clarity of the interface and to display all data in a manner
that would not detract from the content.
- Iteration XI: Adding advice to interface. Due to the extensive
requirements in research required for the concurrent study of portfolio
management, this stage of the project was canceled.
- Iteration XII: Final adminstrative requirements. The technical paper,
research of other technical papers, and other assignments for the end of the
course were completed.
Joseph B. Hess