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An online interface that obtains information through a relational database accessed and modified by MySQL is used to track stock movements and related data. Pricing data (current price and daily change in dollars and in percent), technical data (Price/Earnings ratio and P/E-to-growth ratio), market information (the market on which the stock is traded, the levels of the major American indices, market capitalization daily volume, and average daily volume), and a variety of charts are available to the user, who is able to select scales, frames of time, and other variables and settings.

The presentation of advice specific to the investor and analysis is based on the results of the simultaneous project regarding the performance of various strategies in predicting stock movements. As more patterns emerge from this project, the level of advice is elevated to include the newest conclusions on managing a portfolio. Although the program incorporates a view to large profits in the short term and hot stocks, the primary focus is based on a long period of investment and solid, reliable performers.

This document will often refer to the capabilities of the final version of the product intended to be created. However, the author was unable to include all desired features in the currently available version of the interface, given the need for extensive research on a variety of topics, the need to learn new programming languages in order to code the interface, and the ambitious nature of the ultimate goal of the project. Details on work performed in the Computer Systems Laboratory are included in the Development section. Also, the Conclusion sections discusses the project in terms of accomplishments to date.

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Joseph B. Hess 2003-06-13