Structures (Structs) in Lisp

Example:    (defstruct person
                (sex nil)           ;;Field #1   Default value is nil
                (personality 'nice) ;;Field #2   Default value is nice 

Template for a struct:
            (defstruct <structure name>
               (<field name 1> <default value 1>)
               (<field name 2> <default value 2>)
               . . .
               (<field name n> <default value n>)

DEFSTRUCT does this:
   - Creates a constructor procedure: (make-<structure name>)
            Ex: (setf p1 (make-person))

   - Creates reader procedures for getting information out of an
        instance's fields: 
          (<structure name>-<field name> <instance name>)
            Ex: (person-personality p1) returns NICE

   - Generalizes SETF to serve as a writer when used with the readers
  (setf (<structure name>-<field name> <instance name>) <value>)
            Ex: (setf (person-sex p1) 'female)
   - Creates a predicate for testing objects to see if they are
       instances of the defined data type:
          (<structure name>-p <instance name>)

            Ex: (person-p p1)   returns T
                (person-p 'bobby) returns NIL

DESCRIBE will print descriptions of the defined structure.