Methods and Classes in Lisp

Example:  Suppose you define 3 structures for triangle, rectangle,
          and circle:

      (defstruct triangle
         (base 0)
         (altitude 0))

      (defstruct rectangle
         (width 0)
         (height 0))

      (defstruct circle
         (radius 0))

   A function for AREA could be defined as:

      (defun area (figure)
         (cond ((triangle-p figure) (triangleArea figure))
               ((rectangle-p figure) (rectangleArea figure))
               ((circle-p figure) (circleArea figure))))

     With helper functions for the area of each type of figure:
       (defun triangleArea (figure)
         (* 1/2  (triangle-base figure) (triangle-height figure)))

    OR you can define 3 area methods:
      (defmethod area ((figure triangle))  ;;specifies figure must be
          (* 1/2                           ;;must be a triangle
               (triangle-base figure)

      (defmethod area ((figure rectangle))  ;;specifies figure must be
          (* (rectangle-width figure)       ;;must be a rectangle
             (rectangle-height figure)))


     Basic template:
           (defclass <class-name> (<list of super classes>)
               ((<slot name 1>  :accessor <accessor procedure 1>
                                   :initform <initial value form 1>
                                   :initarg  <arg marking symbol 1>)
                   . . .
                (<slot name n>  :accessor <accessor procedure n>
                                   :initform <initial value form n>
                                   :initarg  <arg marking symbol n>)

   NOTE: classes use "make-instance" NOT "make-" in order to create
         an instance of a class.

      (defclass article ()  ;; no superclasses
         ((title :accessor article-title :init-arg :title)
          (author :accessor article-author :init-arg :author)))

    3 subclasses of article:
      (defclass computer-article (article) ())
      (defclass business-article (article) ())
      (defclass political-article (article) ())
        All of the subclasses slots are inherited from the superclass article

    Define a "friend" class:
      (defclass friend ()  ;; no superclasses
         ((name :accessor friend-name :init-arg :name)))  ;;1 slot

     3 subclasses of friend:
      (defclass hacker-friend (friend) ()) 
      (defclass entrepenuer-friend (friend) ())
      (defclass philosopher-friend (friend) ())

     Make 3 articles of different types:
      (setf articles
           (list (make-instance 'business-article
                                :title "Memory Prices Down")
                 (make-instance 'computer-article
                                :title "Memory Speeds Things Up")
                 (make-instance 'political-article
                                :title "Memory Impugned")))

     Make 4 friends:
      (setf friends
          (list (make-instance 'hacker-friend :name 'Dan)
                (make-instance 'hacker-friend :name 'Gerry)
                (make-instance 'entrepenuer-friend :name 'Philip)
                (make-instance 'philosopher-friend :name 'David)))

     Print articles:
      (defun print-notification (article friend)
         (format t "~%Tell ~a about \"~a.\""
             (friend-name friend)
             (article-title article))

     Print all articles read by everyone:
       (dolist (friend friends)
          (dolist (article articles)
             (print-notification article friend)))

    Print Specific articles read:
       (dolist (friend friends)
          (dolist (article articles)
             (process article friend)))

   If 4 "methods" named "process" are defined:

     (defmethod process ((friend hacker-friend)    ;;specific type of friend
                         (article computer-article))   ;; and article
        (print-notification article friend))

     (defmethod process ((friend entrepenuer-friend)    ;;specific type of friend
                         (article business-article))   ;; and article
        (print-notification article friend))

     (defmethod process ((friend philosopher-friend)    ;;specific type of friend
                         (article article))   ;; ANY article
        (print-notification article friend))

     (defmethod process ((friend friend)     ;;Generic, "blank", function is needed
                         (article article)))