AI Worksheet #2 - Recursion

All problems to be solved utilizing recursion

  1. Without using the Lisp primitive nthcdr, write a procedure called TrimFirst
    that trims off the first n elements from a list.
       Example: (TrimFirst 4 '(a b c d e f g h i j)) returns (e f g h i j)

  2. Write a procedure KeepFirst that will return the first n elements of a list.
    It should be tail recursive. Tail recursion means that the final result
    is returned when the "base case" is reached; no "backtracking" is needed.
    An example of non-tail recursion is:
              (defun length (ls)
    	    (if (null ls)
    		 (+ 1 (length (rest ls)))))
    The above "length" function needs to backtrack for the result.
    Tail recursive, non-backtracking version:
              (defun length (ls &optional (result 0))
    	      (if (null ls)
    		  (length (rest ls) (+ 1 result))))
    (See p. 75 "Recursion Can Be Efficient" and p. 83 "Optional Parameters")

       Example of KeepFirst: (KeepFirst 5 '(a b c d e f g h)) returns (a b c d e)

  3. Write a function called Ins that will insert a number in an already sorted list.
       Example: (Ins '4 '(1 2 5 8)) returns (1 2 4 5 8)

  4. Write a function InSort (which uses Ins above) which takes an unordered
    list as a parameter and returns an ordered list.
       Example: (InSort '(3 1 5 4 7 2 9)) returns (1 2 3 4 5 7 9)

  5. Write a function Presentp which will determine if a given atom occurs anywhere
    in the list, even in the sublists.
       Example: (Presentp 'x '((a b)(w x)(1 3))) returns T