A cons is a pair of pointers; the first one is the car and the second one is the cdr.
Here, we cons something onto nil:
> (setf x (cons 'a nil))
1. A. Draw the box diagram for the above setf.
B. >(car x) => ___
C. >(cdr x) => ___
Building a list of multiple elements gives a chain of conses:
>(setf y (list 'a 'b 'c))
(A B C)
2. Draw the box and pointer diagram:
A list can have any kind of object as an element, including another list:
>(setf z (list 'a (list 'b 'c) 'd))
(A (B C) D)
3. A. Draw the box and pointer diagram:
B. >(car (cdr z)) => _____
The function consp returns true if its argument is a cons. So
listp could be defined:
(defun our-listp (x)
(or (_______) (consp x)))
The predicate atom could be defined as:
(defun our-atom (x)
(not (consp x))
Does this definition work? Yes/No
4. _____ is both an atom and a list.
Each time you call
>(setf x '(a b c))
The reason Lisp has no pointers is that every value is conceptually a
pointer. When you assign a value to a variable or store it in a
data structure, what gets stored is actually a pointer to the value.
The function copy-list takes a list and returns a copy of it.
The new list will have the same elements, but contained in new conses.
8. copy-list could be defined as:
9. Mapcar:
Trees: Conses can be thought of as binary trees, with the car
representing the right subtree and the cdr the left.
11. The function copy-tree takes a tree and returns a copy
of it. Write function our-copy-tree:
12. A. (eql 'a 'a) => _____
By default, member compares objects using eql.
You can use a keyword argument to change the test.
Dotted Lists.
Association lists: Assoc-lists.
Assoc-lists are slow, but convenient in the first stages of a program.
Common Lisp has a built-in function, assoc, for retrieving
the pair associated with a given key:
Graphs/Networks - In this example, nodes are represented as symbols, and
networks (graphs) are represented as assoc-lists with elements of the
A minimal network could be represented as:
17. Using depth-first search, name the nodes searched to travel from
node a to node d.
18. Using breadth first search, name the nodes searched to travel from
node a to node d.
5. A. >(eql (cons 'a nil) (cons 'a nil))
Is this T or NIL? _____
B. >(equal x (cons 'a nil))
Is this T or NIL? ________
(A B C)
>(setf y x)
(A B C)
6. A. (eql x y)
Is this T or NIL? ____
B. (equal x y)
T or NIL? _____
>(setf x '(a b c)
y (copy-list x))
7. Draw the box and pointer diagram for copy-list.
(defun our-copy-list (lst)
(if (atom lst)
(cons (_________) (our-copy-list (____________)))))
>(mapcar #'(lambda (x) (+ x 10))
'(1 2 3))
___________ ???
>(mapcar #'list
'(a b c)
'(1 2 3 4))
10. Draw as a tree shaped box and pointer diagram:
(a (b c) d)
(defun our-copy-tree (tr)
(if (atom tr)
(cons (our-copy-tree (__________))
(our-copy-tree (____________)))))
B. (equal 'a 'a) => _____
C. (eql '(a) '(a)) => _____
D. (equal '(a) '(a)) => _____
E. Explain the answer to part C.
13. A. (member 'a '(a b)) => _____
B. (member '(a) '((a) (b))) => _____
14. (member '(a) '((a) (b)) :test #'equal) => _____
15. >(setf pair (cons 'a 'b))
(A . B)
Draw the box and pointer diagram for the above
16. A. >'(a . (b . (c . nil))) => ___________
B. >(cons 'a (cons 'b (cons 'c 'd))) => _________
C. >'(a . (b . nil)) => ________
D. >'(a . (b)) => ________
E. >'(a b . nil) => ________
A list of conses is called an assoc-list or alist. Such a list could
represent a set of translations, for example:
> (setf trans '((+ . "add") (- . "subtract")))
> (assoc '+ trans)
(+ . "add")
> (assoc '* trans)
(node . neighbors)
> (setf min '((a b c) (b c) (c d)))
Draw the directed graph represented by this minimal network.
_____________ one possible path
_____________ second possible path
A. _________ (2 nodes, not found a to d)
B. _________ (2 nodes, not found a to d)
C. _________ (3 nodes, not found a to d)
D. _________ (3 nodes, found a to d)
1. car of cons box points to A
cdr of cons box points to NIL
2. Three cons boxes. The car of the boxes point to the elements A B and C, respectively. The cdrs: box1 --> box2 --> box3 --> NIL
3. Three cons boxes at the upper level.
Car of box 1 --> A, Car of box 2 --> two more cons boxes, Car of box 3 --> D
Cdr's: box 1 --> box2 --> box 3 --> NIL
For the sublist of two cons boxes, boxes 2a and 2b
car of box 2a --> B, car of box 2b --> C
cdr's: box 2a --> 2b --> NIL
(defun our-listp (x)
(or (_______) (consp x))) ans: (null x)
4. Nil
5. A. NIL B. T
6. A. T B
4. Nil
5. A. NIL B. T
6. A. T B. T
7. X points to three cons boxes (cons cells), the car's of each box point to
A, B, and C respectively. Cdr's: Box1 --> box2 --> box 3--> nil
Y points to three different cons boxes, but the car's of each of these boxes
point to the A, B, and C values from above.
8. defun our-copy-list (lst)
(if (atom lst)
(cons (_________) (our-copy-list (____________)))))
Ans: (first lst) (rest lst)
9. (11 12 13)
((a 1) (b 2) (c 3))
10. top of tree is a cons box, the car (left ptr) points to A, and the cdr (right) pointer points to the next cons.
In the new cons, the left pointer points to a cons representing the first
cons of the list (b c) etc:
/ \
A cons
/ \
cons cons
/ \ / \
B cons D nil
/ \
C nil
(defun our-copy-tree (tr)
(if (atom tr)
(cons (our-copy-tree (__________)) Ans: (first tr)
(our-copy-tree (____________))))) Ans: (rest tr)
12. A. T B. T C. NIL D. T
E. The two lists are not the same cons cell
13. A. T returns (a b)
14. T
15. cons
/ \
16. (a b c) for all answers
17. a's neighbors are b and c
b's neighbor is c
c's neigbor is d
A. A B C D
B. A C D
18. A. A B
B. A C
C. A B C
D. A C D