Topics for the Big QuiZ
October 2001

    list constructor
  • cons
  • append
  • list
    list destructor
  • first
  • rest
  • last
  • butlast
  • listp
  • atom
  • null
  • if
  • cond
  • when
  • unless
    box and pointer
  • list
  • append
  • cons
  • single
  • double
  • tail
  • car-cdr
    do loops
  • regular
  • dolist
  • dotimes
  • do w/no body
(do (bindings here. No setfs. May be empty)
       (test condition to quit. Return something.
        No if in here)
        (body of the do loop:
        setfs go here if needed.
        Ifs can go here too.
        Could have "nobody")
    property lists
  • get
  • setf
  • as a graph
  • remprop
  • addprop
    Things that use lambda
  • mapcar
  • count-if
  • remove-if
(mapcar 'numberp '(1 a 2 b 3 c ))-->
(t nil t nil t nil)
(remove-if 'numberp '(1 a 2 b 3 c))-->
(a b c)
(count-if 'numberp '(1 a 2 b 3 c))--> 3
Note: Look up mapcar which could take two lists for the function to work on