Last AI Quiz!!
Writing the roulette function

Complete the functions necessary to pick a new population of individuals based on roulette selection. In the example below, individual 1 was picked once, individual 2 twice, and individual 4 once.

          Initial                                     Expected       Actual
         Population   x Value             pselect      count         Count 
String   (randomly   (unsigned    f(x)  f(i)/sum(f)   f(i)/avg(f)  (roulette
No.      generated)   integer)     x^2                              wheel)
1        0 1 1 0 1     13         169     0.14         0.58          1
2        1 1 0 0 0     24         576     0.49         1.97          2
3        0 1 0 0 0      8          64     0.06         0.22          0
4        1 0 0 1 1     19         361     0.31         1.23          1
Sum                              1170     1.00         4.00         4.0
Average                           293     0.25         1.00         1.0
Max                               576     0.49         1.97         2.0

(defvar *population* 
   '(((0 1 1 0 1) . 0.14)
     ((1 1 0 0 0) . 0.49)
     ((0 1 0 0 0) . 0.06)
     ((1 0 0 1 1) . 0.31) ) )

(defun roulette (pop)
   (let ( (probList nil)
          (n 0)
          (sum 0)
          (randomNum 0.0)
      (setf randomNum (random 1.0))
      (format t "RandomNum=~F~%" randomNum)
      (dolist (___________)

          ;; if the randomNum is <= the sum, return the current
          ;; individual

(defun printPopulation (pop)
   (format t "Population:~%")
   (dolist (indiv pop)
      (format t "~a~%" indiv)

(defun testRoulette ()
   (let ((newPopulation nil)
         (len (length *population*))
         (newIndiv nil)
    (printPopulation *population*)
    (dotimes (________)
       (setf newIndiv (roulette *population*) )
       (format t "Individual picked:~a~%" newIndiv)
       ;; add the individual picked to the end of the 
       ;; newPopulation list
    (printPopulation newPopulation)
    newPopulation   ;; return the newPopulation