Test Topics for 2nd Quarter Test 1

1. Chapter 9: format, with-open-file, read, read-line, read-char,
              dotimes, do
    - p.136 general format of with-open-file
    - p.137 reading a specific number of items from a file
            with dotimes
    - p.137 reading until eof with do loop
            Note: for clisp, the syntax of the "read" needs a
                  third argument for the symbol that is returned 
                  when end of file is reached:
            (do ((patient (read patient-stream nil 'eof)
                          (read patient-stream nil 'eof)))
                ((eql patient 'eof) 'done) ;;or return t or nil
              (format t "Patient:~a~%" patient)
     - p.138 writing to files 
          Remember for clisp the syntax of the read needs to have
          the third argument: (read patient-stream nil 'return-symbol)
          And the end test needs to be changed:
              ((eql patient 'return-symbol) 'return-value)
     - p.141-143 strings and characters, #\character
          > (elt "abc" 2)  returns #\c
     - p.143-145 read-line and read-char
         Remember for clisp:
             (read-line line-stream nil 'return-symbol)
         and the end test is:
             ((eql line 'return-symbol) 'return-value)

         For example: (read-line line-stream nil 'eof)
         and the end test is:
             ((eql line 'eof) 'done)
      Also see Help on File Reading
      and Image starter files
      for more examples of file reading.

2. Chap. 11 Arrays: make-array, aref, and setf. Also know "let" 
   for local variable declarations.
   - p.163 make-array   
        For two or more dimensions you need to use a list
   - p.164 make-array :initial-contents
   - p.165 aref and setf
   - Also see the above "Image starter files" link for more examples.

3. Chap. 13 Structures: defstruct, make-, field (slot) accessors,
                        structure type predicates, :include
   - p.176 general structure form
   - p.177 "make-" constructor
   - p.178 accessing structure fields
   - p.179-180 inheriting fields from another structure with :include

4. Chap. 14 Classes and Defmethod, make-instance,
            :accessor, :initform, :initarg
   - p.186 defmethod
   - p.188 class form
   - p.189-194 make-instance, defining classes, inheritance

Know how to translate from structure to class or vice versa.

5. Basics of image files
   File formats: P2, P3, P5, P6
   Comment lines
   How to determine the number of rows and columns of pixels 
      in an image.
   How to determine the maximum pixel value in a file.
   See the link: Help with Image files.