Starter Lisp Program
Worksheet #9 - Components

;; Connect4 - starter file
(defparameter *nrows* 0)
(defparameter *ncols* 0)
(defparameter *threshold* 100)

(defun file-read (filename)
     ;; insert code here to read from the file
(defun file-write (file image)

   ;;insert code to write to the file
   ;;(the option  :if-exists :supersede can be used for overwriting

(defun print-image (image)
  "Prints out IMAGE nicely formatted."

(defun threshold (image)
  (let ((image2 (make-array (list *nrows* *ncols*)))

     ;; If the pixel value is >= 100, set to 255
     ;; otherwise set to 0


(defun convert-to-ones (image)
  (let ((image2 (make-array (list *nrows* *ncols*)))

     ;; For component labeling, start out by labeling all
     ;; 255's as 0's and 0's as 1's

(defun negate (a)
  "Creates and returns a new 2-D image array in which
   each element is the negation of its corresponding
   element in the array A.  I.E. 0 remains 0, and 1 becomes -1.
   This will help identifying if a pixel has been visited."
  (let ((b (make-array (list *nrows* *ncols*))))
    b) )

;;; CONNECTED-COMPONENTS is the top-level function for
;;; the finding connected components of the input IMAGE.
(defun connected-components (image)
  "Calls SCAN on the negation of IMAGE."
  (scan (negate image)) )

(defun scan (image)
  "Performs a raster-scan of the image looking for
   successive connected components."
  (let ((count 0))
    ;; Go through the image matrix, pixel by pixel.  Whenever
    ;; a pixel's value is -1, increase the count and 
    ;; call depth first search.  This will label the
    ;; 4-connected component with "count".
    image)     ;;  end the "let" and return the image

(defparameter *directions*   ; 4-adjacency definition.
      '((-1 0)(0 -1)(0 1)(1 0)) )

(defun dfs (image count i j)
  "Conducts a depth-first search from position I, J for
   more cells in the current connected component."
  ;; If cell (i, j) = -1 it is an unvisited pixel in the component.
  ;; Mark the pixel with count and then use dolist to go through
  ;; each coordinate in *directions* by calling the  branch function.
  ;; If pixel value is not equal to -1, return nil  
  ;; (Don't continue if cell is already labelled or background).

(defun branch (direction image count i j)
 "Determine row and column indexes of new cell using direction.
  Check array bounds (hint: between 0 and numrows-1 and
                                    0 and numcols-1, inclusive)
  Then call dfs again with the array, the count, and the new
  cell's indexes"

(defun test ()
    (let ((image)
      (setf image (file-read "image1.pgm"))
      (setf image2 (threshold image))
      (setf image3 (convert-to-ones image2))
      (file-write "binaryThresh.pgm" image2)
      (format t "Initial image:~%")
      (print-image image)
      (format t "~%Threshold binary image:~%")
      (print-image image2)
      (format t "~%Threshold binary ones image:~%")
      (print-image image3)
      (format t "~%Connect-4 image:~%")
(test)  ;;This runs the program when loaded