- Bivalence.
While there are 3-valued and many-valued logics, our logic is 2-valued (or bivalent). Therefore, "She was not unhappy" must be translated as if it were synonymous with "She was happy".
- Exclusive disjunction
Remember that
is disjunction: it means that either p is true or q is true or both.
The exclusive disjuntion (XOR:
) of p and q asserts that either p is true or q is true but not both.
- Conjuction
We express conjuction with many words other than "and", including "but", "moreover", "however", "although", and "even though".
Bert and Ernie are brothers cannot be translated into "Bert is a brother and Ernie is a brother".
- "Unless"
Example: You won't do well unless you study
If you do not study then you will not do well
Which is logically equivalent to
"p unless q" should be translated either as
(inclusive disjunction) or as
(exclusive disjunction)
- "And/or"
Translate as inclusive disjunction:
"Bring a scarf and/or hat" means 'bring a scarf or hat or both"
- "Neither, nor"
"Neither p nor q" means that both p and q are false.
(equivalent formulas by DeMorgan's Th.)
- "Not both/ both not"
"p and q not both true": this means a denial of the conjunction,
. One of them may be true, but not both.
This is also equivalent to:
"p and q are both not true" means that neither may be true:
which is also equivalent to
More examples:
"Kim and Jim do not both like goats".
This is a negation of the conjunction:"Both Kim and Jim like goats":
"Both Kim and Jim do not like goats":
Note: This "both not" statement is the same as "neither nor"
"Both Kim and Jim do not like goats" is the same as
"Neither Kim nor Jim likes goats":
- Material Implication:
translates into a wide variety of English expressions:
- "if p, q", "p implies q", "p entails q"
- "p therefore q", "p hence q", "since p, q", "because p, q",
- "q if p", "q provided p", "q since p", "q because p"
- "q follows from p", " p is the sufficient condition of q"
- "q is the necessary conditon of p"
- Least intuitive: "p only if q"
- Necessary and Sufficient Conditions
Sufficient conditon: p is a sufficient condition of q when p's truth
guarantees q's truth.
Necessary condition: q is a necessary conditon of p when q's falsehood
guarantees p's falsehood.
In the ordinary implication:
, the antecedent p is a
sufficient condition of the consequent q, and the consequent q is a
necessary conditon of the antecedent p.
- Modus ponens: Given
, the truth or presence of p suffices to give
us q.
Hence the antecedent is the sufficient condition of the consequent.
- Modus tollens: Give
, the falsehood of q (the truth of
) guarantees the falshood of p (the truth of
Hence the consequent is the necessary conditon of the antecedent
- Example: "If Socks is a cat, then Socks is a mammal"
Being a cat is a sufficient conditon of being a mammal.
Being a mammal is a necessary condition of being a cat.
- If p is both necessary and sufficient for q, then "
- "Only if"
"p only if q" is translated as:
Example: "You will win only if you have a ticket"
is not correct: "If you have a ticket then you will win".
is correct: "If you win then you have a ticket."
Example: "A car will run only if there is gas in the tank"
Equivalent to "If a car will run, then there is gas in the tank"
- "if and only if"
Analysis: "p only if q" is
and "p if q" is
Therefore "p if and only if q" is
Translated also as "iff"
- "Just when"
"p just when q" means p is true when and only when q is true, or
p is true if and only if q is true
- "Even if"
"p even if q" means "p whether or not q" or "p regardless of q".
Therefore this could be translated simply as "p".
- Truth functionality (see handout)
- Puctuation (see handout)
- Specific form (see handout)
- Play (see handout)
- Canonical quantitative propositions (see the previous section)
- Quantifier scope
The scope of a quantifier is like the scope of a negation sign:
the first whole proposition, or propositional function, to its right
Alternate notations:
- "Some" (see handout)
Inclusive use of "some":
Existential quantifier,
, expresses the inclusive use of "some
"Some of you will earn an A on the final exam" means at least one and
possibly all of you will earn an A.
Exclusive use of "some":
Translated as "not all" (see tips 18,33)
says that there is at least one M&M she does not eat.
- "Only some" (see handout)
Means "more than one and less than all" or "neither none nor all"
- Which quantifier? (see handout)
- Avoid the negative (see handout)
- Universe of discourse (see handout)
- Limiting the universe of discourse (see handout)
Example: "All humans are mortal"...
Too strong of an interpretation:
means everything is mortal.
Better interpretation:
- Translating "and" as "or"
Be prepared to translated "and" as "or".
For example, "Men and women are welcome to apply".
Correct interpretation is
Also see handout
- Universal quantifiers,
, typically take conditionals
Example: "All humans are mortal":
This means everything in the universe is
even my chalk.
Also see handout
- Existential quantifiers,
, typically take conjunctions
Example:"Some humans are inhumane" means
- Avoid existentially quantified conditionals
"If something falls into a black hole, then it will be lost forever"
Don't use:
Better to use:
Also see handout
- Names: Names should be treated as constants.
"Elvis is alive" is simply "Ae"
Don't make Elvis into a predicate:
or into a variable: "(e)Ae"
- Bind all your variables
Example: "Somebody slept in my bed!" is
- "No A's are B's"
Translate as :
which is equivalent to:
Also, see handout
- "Not all/all not"
"All that glitters is not gold" should be stated "Not all that glitters is gold"
"All not" statements:
Example: "All bats are not feathered":
or translated as:
"Not all" statements:
"Not all cars are lemons":
Translate as
Also see handout.
- "Only"
"Only B's are A's" is equivalent to "All A's are B's"
Translated as:
Also see handout
- "All and only" see handout
- "None but"
"None but ripe bananas are edible":
- Indefinite articles, "a" and "an". See handout
"A bat is a mammal" really means "All bats are mammals"
Translated as:
- Definite articles, "the". See handout
Sometimes takes existential, sometimes universal quantifiers.
"The horse is a noble animal" means "All horses are noble animals"
Translated as
"The horse in the winner's circle is on drugs" means "There exists a horse, the
one in the winners circle, who is on drugs.
Translated as
- "Any" sometimes existential, sometimes universal. See handout.
"Any bat is a mammal means "All bats are mammals":
- Puctuation. See Handout.