Supercomputer Applications
Unit #2 - PVM
by D.W. Hyatt
Evaluation by Objectives:
The following are the objectives that will be used to evaluate the web-based
presentation for Unit #2. Make sure
you meet or exceed all objectives, and you can receive a perfect score or
even some bonus points.
- Parallel Virtual Machine and the PVM Environment
The student is able to properly configure the PVM computing environment in
order to do standard actions such as run the PVM console window and add
remote hosts.
The student has been able to compile and run an existing PVM program such
as the ones posted on the website.
The student has created an original PVM program that uses one of the
basic algorithm types discussed in class: master-slave, relay (pipeline),
or tree approach.
- Web Page Presentation on PVM
The web page presentation contains some general background information
explaining what PVM is and how it works.
The web page discusses the student's own PVM program, how it works (or
was supposed to work!), and what it was designed to do.
The web page contains links to properly documented source code
of the original PVM program.
- Extra Credit
- Does the program involve any advanced features of PVM or UNIX that
go beyond what was required in class?
- Does the program show exceptional creativity or imagination in the
design or execution?