Don Hyatt brought in 8 different types of seeds, primarily native trees or wildflowers from Thomas Jefferson's time. These species, or plants very similar to those we selected, were mentioned in Jefferson's garden notes at Monticello. Native azaleas and rhododendron seeds are quite small, so we followed Don Hyatt's instructions on Raising Rhododendrons and Azaleas from Seed. Some of the tree seeds require stratification, a 90-day period of cold so that the seeds break dormancy, so they were planted and placed in a refrigerator. We will take them out on Jefferson Day, May 24, 2002, and let them grow. Here is what we planted:
Flame Azalea: R. calendulaceumMore Pictures | |
Catawba Rhododendron: R. catawbienseMore Pictures | |
Carolina Rhododendron: R. carolinianumMore Pictures | |
Mountain laurel Kalmia latifoliaMore Pictures |
Kentucky Coffee Tree: Gymnocladus dioica | |
Trifoliate Orange: Poncirus trifoliata | |
Eastern White Pine: Pinus strobus | |
Table Mountain Pine: Pinus pungens |