Selecting Information to Display

How to Create a Simple Query Using SELECT

We have already used the SELECT command in MySQL to list the contents of a table. For instance, if a user had already connected to the database "games and wanted to review the scores, the following would list all the contents of that table:

mysql> SELECT * FROM scores;
The system will reply:
| Name    | Num  |
| Phyllis |  987 |
| Randy   | 1285 |
| Don     |  919 |
| Mark    |    0 |
| Mary    |  567 |
| Bob     |   23 |
| Pete    |  456 |
| Sally   |  333 |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)   

More Advanced Queries

  1. To List By Numerical Order

    mysql> SELECT * FROM scores ORDER BY Num;
    | Name    | Num  |
    | Mark    |    0 |
    | Bob     |   23 |
    | Sally   |  333 |
    | Pete    |  456 |
    | Mary    |  567 |
    | Don     |  919 |
    | Phyllis |  987 |
    | Randy   | 1285 |
    8 rows in set (0.00 sec)
  2. To List By Alphabetical Order

    mysql> SELECT * FROM scores ORDER BY Name;
    | Name    | Num  |
    | Bob     |   23 |
    | Don     |  919 |
    | Mark    |    0 |
    | Mary    |  567 |
    | Pete    |  456 |
    | Phyllis |  987 |
    | Randy   | 1285 |
    | Sally   |  333 |
    8 rows in set (0.01 sec)
  3. List Only the Names of the Losers

    mysql> SELECT Name FROM scores WHERE (Num < 100);
    | Name |
    | Mark |
    | Bob  |
    2 rows in set (0.00 sec) 
  4. List the Winners by Order of High Score
    Note: This will be a long Query, and will be split on multiple lines:

    mysql> SELECT Num, Name FROM scores
          -> WHERE (Num > 900)
          -> ORDER BY Num DESC;
    | Num  | Name    |
    | 1285 | Randy   |
    |  987 | Phyllis |
    |  919 | Don     |
    3 rows in set (0.00 sec)