The MIC-1 Architecture

The MIC-1 is a hypothetical computer defined in the book by Andrew S. Tannenbaum, Structured Computer Organization, 3rd Edition. It is used to help teach the how modern computers are designed at the Microprogramming level. The materials below may help in your understanding of this machine, and how to write a simulation of its behavior.

The Basic MIC-1

The Registers

There are 16 registers in the MIC-1. The hardware refers to them numerically, but the following acronyms are used to better understand their use.
NumberAcronym and Meaning Use
PC or Program Counter Keeps track of user's instruction position in the program
AC or Accumulator Holds the current numerical total from the ALU.
SP or Stack Pointer Holds return addresses for subroutine calls
IR or Instruction Register Hold the current instruction
TIR or Temporary Instruction Register Temporary values as instruction is decoded
0 Value or Zero Register Hard wired zero that can be used for clearing other values
+1 or Plus One Register Hard wired plus one for incrementing quickly
-1 or Minus One Register Hard wired minus one for decrementing quickly
Amask or Address Mask Pattern of ones and zeros that can be used to AND with instruction to isolate just the Address.
Smask or Stack Mask Pattern of ones and zeros that can be used to AND with instruction to isolate the Stack Offset
10 to 15
A through F Registers General purpose registers that can be used to store temporary values
Other Components
Acronym Description and Use
A-Latch Holds values sent out over the A-Bus that could then be sent AMUX which will then decide if it should be sent to the left side of the ALU or discarded.
B-Latch Holds values sent out over the B-Bus that could then be either sent to the right side of the ALU, or to the MBR , or both.
AMUX The A-Multiplexer selects one of two inputs to send to the left sine of the ALU.
ALU The Arithmetic Logic Unit can select among four possible functions, and then sends the result on to the Shifter.
Shifter The Shifter will select among various shift operations and then sends the value out on the C-Bus which also sends a copy to the MBR which may or may not use it.
MAR The Memory Address Register holds the address of some place in Main Memory. This register can only be loaded from the data from the B-Latch (B-Bus).
MBR The Memory Buffer Register will read or write its contents to Main Memory depending upon its control lines. The address that it uses for either of these operations is held in the MAR. The MBR can also be filled from the C-Bus.
Main Memory The Main Memory of the MIC-1 is a sequential array of 16-bit words that can hold a user's program. In the example shown here, the lowest memory address is 0000 and the highest is 9999, but the actual highest address would be controlled by the value in Register 8 ( A-Mask ).

The Micro-Instruction

Synchronization of the various parts of the MIC-1 are controlled by a separate Control Store of 32-bit Micro-instructions. These instructions cannot be accessed by the user, but control the action of of the basic commands of the MIC-1. The following fields are activated according to the bit pattern in the micro-instruction and cause the resulting action.

Field Numerical Value and Action
    0   -   Load the ALU from the A-Latch
    1   -   Load the ALU from the MBR
Conditional Branch
    0   -   No Branch
    1   -   Branch to value in ADDR if ALU is Negative
    2   -   Branch to value in ADDR if ALU is Zero
    3   -   Branch to value in ADDR Always
Arithemtic Logic Unit Operations
    0   -   A + B   (ADD from A-Latch Side and B-Latch)
    1   -   A & B   (AND from A-Latch Side and B-Latch)
    2   -   A   (Just let A-latch side pass through and do nothing)
    3   -   !A   (INVERT A)
Shifter Operations
    0   -   NO Shift
    1   -   Shift RIGHT one bit
    2   -   Shift LEFT one bit
    3   -   Not Used
Memory Buffer Register
    0   -   Do Not Load the Memory Buffer Register
    1   -   Load the Memory Buffer Register from the C-Bus
Memory Address Register
    0   -   Do Not Load the Memory Address Register
    1   -   Load the Memory Addres Register from the B-Latch
Read from Main Memory
    0   -   Do Not Read from Memory
    1   -   Read into MBR, the contents of Main Memory according to the Address in MAR
Write to Main Memory
    0   -   Do Not Write to Memory
    1   -   Write contents of MBR to Main Memory according to the Address in MAR
Enable the C-Bus
    0   -   Do Not Activate the C-Bus (no storing of Values into any of the 16 Registers
    1   -   Activate C-Bus, or store the value leaving the Shifter into the register specified in the C-Field
C-Bus Select Register
    0 - 15   -   Which of 16 Registers will be stored from the C-Bus. ENC must be active, too.
B-Bus Select Register
    0 - 15   -   Select one of 16 Registers to be loaded onto the B-Bus and B-Latch
A-Bus Select Register
    0 - 15   -   Select one of 16 Registers to be loaded onto the A-Bus and A-Latch
Address Field
    0 - 255   -   One of 256 Addresses (Micro-instructions) in the Control Store. Will be used by the COND field for Microcode jumps.

Example Micro-Instructions and Their Meaning

Instruction   -   0 00 10 00 0110 0 0000 0000 0000 00000000
    Meaning   -   mar := pc; rd;

Instruction   -   1 00 10 00 0000 1 0011 0000 0000 00000000
    Meaning   -   ir := mbr;

Instruction   -   0 01 10 10 0110 1 1000 0000 0000 00011001
    Meaning   -   tir := lshift(tir); if N then goto 25;

Mic-1 Assembly Language

0000xxxxxxxxxxxx   LODD   Load Direct
0001xxxxxxxxxxxx   STOD   Store Direct
0010xxxxxxxxxxxx   ADDD   Add Direct
0011xxxxxxxxxxxx   SUBD   Subtract Direct
0100xxxxxxxxxxxx   JPOS   Jump Positive
0101xxxxxxxxxxxx   JZER   Jump Zero  
0110xxxxxxxxxxxx   JUMP   Jump  
0111xxxxxxxxxxxx   LOCO   Load Constant  
1000xxxxxxxxxxxx   LODL   Load Local  
1001xxxxxxxxxxxx   STOL   Store Local
1010xxxxxxxxxxxx   ADDL   Add Local
1011xxxxxxxxxxxx   SUBL   Subtract Local
1100xxxxxxxxxxxx   JNEG   Jump Negative
1101xxxxxxxxxxxx   JNZE   Jump Not Zero
1110xxxxxxxxxxxx   CALL   Call Subroutine
1111000000000000   PSHI   Push Indirect
1111001000000000   POPI   Pop Indirect
1111010000000000   PUSH   Push
1111011000000000   POP   Pop
1111100000000000   RETN   Return from Subr.
1111101000000000   SWAP   Swap
11111100yyyyyyyy   INSP   Increment Stack Ptr.
11111110yyyyyyyy   DESP   Decrement Stack Ptr.