The Basics of HTML
by Donald W. Hyatt
The basic language of the World Wide Web is called "HTML", or the
HyperText Markup Language. The elements in this language
control formatting and relationships between documents, and are enclosed
between angle brackets similar to this: <command> These commands are referred to as "tags". HTML tags just tell the computer how to display the
web page and are not printed on the screen.
Here are some very basic HTML tags. Many tags come in pairs where one form starts doing a command, and a similar tag with the "slash" in front of the word stops the command.
Some simple HTML tags that come in pairs:
Opening Tag | |
Closing Tag |
Start of an HTML Document
End the Document
Start the Document Header
End the Header
Start the Document Title
End the Title
Start the Text Body
End the Body
Start Large Header Font
End Large Font
Start Smaller Header Font
End Smaller Font
Start Typing Bold
End Bold
Start Typing Emphasized or Italics
End Italics
Start a New Font
End the Font
Start Centering Things
End Centering
Some HTML tags that are single commands:
Force a Break in a line or "carriage return"
Start a new Paragraph
Special Image Tag for Graphics:
< IMG SRC = "filename.type"> This will load an image where the source is some graphics file
Typical graphics types:
JPEG - Used for most photographs Example: "photo.jpg"
GIF - Used for simple images with few colors Example: "diagram.gif"
Special Link Tags for Connecting to Other Web Pages:
<A HREF = "somelink.html">
Start of an HTML Reference Link to a file on the Internet
End of the Link
Body Tag Options:
<BODY BGCOLOR = "#hexnumber">
Change Background to a Color
<BODY BACKGROUND = "somegraphic.type">
Change Background to a Graphic
<BODY TEXT = "#hexnumber">
Change Text color to some value
Changing Colors by modifying the hexnumbers:
Each "pixel", or dot of light on the screen, is composed of
, and
BLUE light components. It is possible to change the proportions of those colors to create different effects. Values for the web palette are arranged in pairs of digits that range in sixteen possible combinations ranging from: 00, 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99, AA, BB, CC, DD, EE, and FF. The first pair adds RED to the color, the second adds GREEN, and the last adds BLUE. Here are the some sample hexnumbers color combinations:
Hex Number and Color |
Hex Number and Color |
Light Gray
Charcoal Grey
Bright Red
Dark Red
Deep Green
Very Deep Blue
Bright Magenta
Bright Yellow
Pale Pink
To start typing in a new color, use the <FONT> tag with a COLOR definition to start printing in a new shade, and use the </FONT> tag to stop the font. For instance, if the following line of text appeared in an HTML document:
This is <FONT COLOR ="#FF0000"> Red Text </FONT> and this is Black.
It would look like this when printed:
This is Red Text and this is Black.
The tags are not printed, but they tell the web browser how to display the
text when it is printed to the screen.
Take a look at a representative palatte of colors:
Red and Green - RRGG | Blue Component - BB |
| 00 | 55 | AA | FF |
0000 |
| |
| |
5500 |
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AA00 |
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FF00 |
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0055 |
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5555 |
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AA55 |
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FF55 |
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00AA |
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55AA |
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| |
00FF |
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| |
55FF |
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Making Web Pages
The following may help you make some simple web pages using these simple tags.