Imagining the Future
Jefferson Day Schedule

It is fortunate that the final activity for Imagining the Future will fall on the afternoon of Jefferson Day, June 3rd. After lunch and the "field events" listed in the schedule below, students who were on Imagining the Future teams should congregate in the CS Lab at 1:30 for the Virtual Pizza Party, announcements, awards, and other activities.

Jefferson Day Regular Schedule

 8:30 -  8:55   1st Period
 9:00 -  9:25   3rd Period
 9:30 - 10:00   5th Period (Mr. Latimer's Supercomp)
10:05 - 10:30   7th Period (Mr Hyatt's Supercomp)
10:35 - 11:00   2nd Period
11:05 - 11:30   4th Period
11:35 - 12:00   6th Period
12:00 - 12:30   Lunch
12:30 -  1:30   Field Events 
 1:30 -  3:50   Booths         (Imagining the Future)
 3:00 -  3:50   Basketball       "       "     " 

Imagining the Future Pizza Party and Awards Schedule

Live Video Conference
1:30 - 2:30
  • Welcome from CEO, Dr. Terry Rogers in Armonk, N.Y.
  • Virtual Pizza Party hosted by ThinkQuest
  • Meet the Teams: Introductions of All Members and Explanation of Projects
2:30 - 3:30
  • Announcement of Winning Teams
    Check Out the Trip: July 18 - 21, 2002:   ThinkQuest Live in Seattle
  • Imagining the Future Activities: Quiz Teams and Individual Awards

Sponsors and Awards

About the Contest Judges

This year, the sponsors of ThinkQuest have arranged over 52 jurors that represent a great mix of expertise and experiences: K-12 teachers, past TQ judges, chief technology officers, university researchers and professors, research students, networking and corporate people, and even presidents and managers from different companies.

There will be approximately 6 separate jurors that will be reviewing your web presentations. They will provide ThinkQuest with feedback that will be mainly descriptive but will compile all information for each team which will be passed on to the teachers and students of those teams. We hope this information will be very helpful and valuable to both students and coaches. Note that all jurors' comments will be provided in an anonymous form.

The jurors come from a variety of institutions including NASA Ames Research Center, Xerox PARC, Oshean Inc, VRCO Inc., M.I.N.D Lab, Michigan State University, Dell, Microsoft, Northwestern University, Apple, LHRIC, NYSERNET, Sonic Foundry, Eastern Connecticut State University, Art Center in CA, and large group of people from different school districts across the USA.

More About the Imagining the Future Quiz

  1. STAGE 1:
    Each team that will be present at the party should send Dr. Sadagic three questions for which the answers can be found in their own team project web presentations.

    The questions should not be too difficult or answers difficult to remember (like: "Give us the names of all our team members", or "What were all resources that we used in our project?") but rather something that is catchy and easy to remember, yet it will really require that people do go through your web site and learn more about what you did. The questions could be also: "Describe ---- that was part of our system".

  2. STAGE 2:
    Check with the colleagues in your ITF group and make teams with 3 members. Each school can have more than one Quiz team. Send us information about your Quiz teams and choose the name that you would like to have as a team.

  3. STAGE 3:
    You will receive pointers to the web sites that you will be researching - all quiz questions that will be asked will be from those web sites. You will have over the weekend to browse them and learn more about what other teams did.

  4. STAGE 4:   June 3rd
    At the Quiz: we will be drawing questions from the cap and call Quiz teams to answer them. The judges for that particular answer will be the team members from the team that made the question :-)

    Each team will have a chance to answer to 5 questions and the winners will get surprise awards.