A Sample Home Page about HTML


HTML is the acronym for the "HyperText Markup Language", the language used on the World Wide Web to create most documents viewed by Netscape and other web browsers. The power of this language is its ability to link together other home pages, graphics files, and resources on the Internet.

The language is composed of a set of key words enclosed in angle brackets, called "tags". Most HTML tags have "begin" and "end" formats, and act like parentheses; tags are not case sensitive. All HTML documents should begin with the tag < HTML > and end with < /HTML >. Single tags controlling paragraphs < P > and line breaks < BR > can be used to force carriage returns since the browser skips over most formatting, arranging words to fit the current window size. In addition to certain tags controlling document structure, there are some common HTML tags to control headers, formatting, lists, tables, hypertext or anchor links, and graphic images.
To create a web page, just type up a document using any text editor, and insert the necessary HTML tags. Then save the file with an extender ".html" in a directory called "web-docs" that you create on your UNIX account. The HTML file that generated this page was called "sample.html". The default file name on our server is "index.html" and should be used for a personal home page. Below you will find examples of some simple HTML features.

Ordered Lists

  1. Each element of an ordered list will be numbered automatically by the browser.
  2. Authors may format words in Bold or Italics print.
  3. One may even change the COLOR and size of a font.

Unordered Lists


Tables are very versatile. Tags define table rows ( < TR >) and columns ( < TD >, or Table Data). For instance:
a. Graphic images can be displayed opposite blocks of text to give a better layout for a page.
b. The width of a table can be specified, and tables may be displayed with or without borders.
c. Other structures, such as Definition Lists ( < DL >) with indented Definition Data ( < DD >), or even other tables can be used within tables to achieve desired effects.
I hope you enjoy making web pages. Look at the source of this document and others you find on the Internet to see how various HTML features are used.
