Computer Architecture
General Description
Computer Architecture is an accelerated
half-credit semester course requiring AP computer science
as a prerequisite. Students study the internal structure of
advanced computer systems while applying structured
programming techniques learned in APCS. Working in a
networked UNIX environment, students develop programs
to reinforce basic curriculum objectives. Topics include the
hierarchy of modern computer systems from the digital logic
level, through the microprogram and assembly language, to
operating systems and high level language compilers.
Students write programs on various computer systems using
Object Oriented C++, but also program in standard C and
assembly language. This class carries the same extra grade
point value as an AP course.
Primary Texts
- Structured Computer Organization, Third Edition, Andrew S.
Tanenbaum, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1990.
- Object-Oriented Programming in C++, Second Edition, Robert
Lafore, The Waite Group Press, 1995.
- The C Programming Language, Second Edition, Brian Kernighan
and Dennis Ritchie, Prentice-Hall, 1988.
Course Details
Donald W. Hyatt
Randy D. Latimer
Phyllis T. Rittman
Last Update: February 2, 2000