Running Version of Your Program, example report form 2007-2008

  1. Your name: Gregory Gates Period: 5

  2. Date of this version of your program: 11/2/07

  3. Project title: Elementary Education in a Technology Age

  4. Describe specifically what files are needed and the command(s) necessary to run your program

        The only file that is required is the “smiley” file. This is the file that contains the entire Scratch program. Once Scratch is open, press the green flag to start the program.
  5. Your program is running, now what? List test input(s) for the user to interact with your program. Specifically what should the user expect to happen?

          Input(s): The picture of the smiley face will change in response to where the mouse is placed over the picture. The effect depends on the effect that the user has selected by pressing a number on the keyboard. Currently, there are only effects defined for 0-3. Pressing the space bar will reset the image back to its original state. Effects so far include: color change (0), pixelate (1), mosaic (2), and whirl (3).
  6. What about user input errors? Are there incorrect user input(s) that your program handles?

      If the user presses a number on the keyboard that doesn't have an effect defined yet, nothing will happen. The program will simply stay with the last existing effect.

  7. What is the programming doing, demonstrating, or analyzing? What is the user looking for in order to understand what you've been studying and developing with this project?

      The intent of this program is to demonstrate the use of variables in a computer science project. In the project there is a variable called effectType that is used to determine which effect is currently selected. EffectType changes based on what the user presses on the keyobard. The use of this one variable cuts down on the amount of hard coding that needs to be done within a single block, and also allows different effects to be added very easily. When this project is presented to the students, they would be given the opportunity to create a new affect, and then assign it to whatever key they wanted to. 
  8. How has your program evolved during first quarter to now, the beginning of second quarter?

      This specific program has not changed very much as it didn't take very long to create. It's just one small piece of the overall computer science curriculum that will be used with the Cardinal Forest students.

  1. By the end of this school year, what do you hope to have as a final version of your program in relation to this current version? What will you demonstrate during your final presentation?

      By the end of the school year I hope to have example programs demonstrating additional computer science topics such as: for loops, if -then statements, and other forms of user input.