Yidan Chen
Period 2
Title Multiagent Modeling of Societal Development and Cultural Evolution

Schelling Java code w/Hanneman's Java shell

Sept.24 - looking for a shell modeling program, like Hanneman's Schelling model,
or Luke's MASON, or RePast model (repastj.sh)

Oct. 3/4 - Working with Schelling code, compiling into archive file

Oct. 6 - Schelling code - adding rule change: unhappy neighbors who have nowhere
to move become a blank space. 
   Looking at Hanneman's suggestions, adding a 3rd color.

Oct. 11 - Downloading MASON Schelling, trouble with files locking up in the

Oct. 13 - 

Oct. 20 - see current Schelling model, 3 types of individuals, move randomly if unhappy 

Oct. 31 - to compile with older java so Sean Luke can view the applets:
javac -target 1.3 -source4 1.3 ...

Dec. 20 - Current Status Update 

Not quite sure why that is happening- something is wrong with the migration rule
that makes the agents bypass the closer areas for the ones further away - a 
general "move right" pattern happens, but the outer edge on the left side isn't
stoping the agents from advancing to the right side despite the fact that their
vision is not high enough to see the pattern image.