Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning: Smart computer game - Poker. Title: Proposal for An Investigation Into An Artificial Intelligence for Poker Objective: The objective of this project is to investigate the artificial intelligence used in the game of poker. I would research the game theory, and then implement it in a Java-based recreation of the game, in which the computer-controlled characters would use the AI based on the game theory in order to play the game. Justification: This is an important project because there have only been limited efforts thus far in investigating games in which each player has only limited knowledge of all aspects of the game in play. This is unlike chess, for example, where each player has full knowledge of the pieces in play. My project would explore the AI required in such a situation, and by implementing it in an actual game, my project would serve a practical purpose as well. Description: I would begin my project by researching the game theory required in poker. Based on this, I would create a Java-based program in which the computer-controlled characters exhibit AI that is based on this game theory. This would allow me to explore how AI is implemented in information imperfect games, such as poker. Based on my digital recreation of the game, I would be able to analyze the effect of artificial intelligence in games in which players do not have full knowledge of all pieces in play. Limitations: The two major limitations to this project are time and the ability to understand the game theory. Because I hope to study some of the preliminary aspects of the game theory over the summer, I would predict that the second limitation would be negated. Also, I do not believe that time would be a major issue in the accomplishment of this project, although it can not be completely ruled out.