3D Graphics: Application to explore advanced 3D grapics techiques Title: The Investigation of OpenGL and the Development of an Application Involving Advanced Concepts Objective: The purpose of this experiment is to develop an improved understanding of OpenGL and to produce an application, which demonstrates use of advanced concepts in OpenGL. During the course of my work, I plan to carefully note my progress as I learn more and more about OpenGL. After having attained a greater understanding of OpenGL, I plan to create an application, which utilizes OpenGL heavily and displays a high degree of understanding of OpenGL. Justification: I plan to well document my research as I make progress in my gradual comprehension of OpenGL. One of my goals in this project is that other individuals who share a common interest in OpenGL will be able to use my research to help them in their own goals, endeavors, and future senior research projects pertaining to OpenGL. Furthermore, graphics is a topic that I am deeply interested in and could potentially pursue a career in. This project would be a great opportunity and would serve to better my understanding of graphics. Description: I plan to begin my research of OpenGL early possibly during the course of junior year and most definitely during the summer so that I will be able to quickly reach the more advanced topics during the course of my senior research period. I plan to first begin my research by going through multiple tutorials and grasping some of the fundamentals of OpenGL. During this period of my research, I also plan to develop some minor applications and programs. Once I feel I have attained a sufficient understanding of OpenGL, I plan on starting work on a final application with heavy use of the concepts that I have learned. At this point, one possible idea for a final program is that of a rich, interactive environment demonstrating an exemplary employment of OpenGL. Some of the concepts of OpenGL that I hope to have mastered are mip-mapping, blending, texture mapping, and lighting. Limitations: At this point in time, I do not foresee any major limitations. In terms of funding and possible lack of resources, I am currently under the impression that all of the current software and hardware present in the computer systems lab will prove quite sufficient. The only possible limitation I can think of would be time. I hope to achieve a good understanding of the more advanced topics of OpenGL, which may take up too much time for an adequate final application to be completed. However, I plan on starting my research early in order to combat this.