Software engineering/Database engineering: Web-based administration product for schools. Title: Web Based Interface for School Scheduling/Grading Administration and Student/Teacher Educational Integration Objective: This project is intended to create an all in one system for school/educational organization use for scheduling (school/teacher), grading (teacher/school), and online educational integration (teacher/student). Justification: The integration of a school in terms of applications needed to operate a school efficiently is loose in the sense of cooperation between each core. Through a centralized system, all of the core functions that keep a school operational can be integrated together to keep information up-to-date and correctly synchronized. Description: This project will mostly be coded in the PHP web scripting language, utilizing the Apache HTTP web server, the MySQL database server, and standardized through W3C standards for XHTML code. Through a modularized system, the core of the system can be built on through a developed API. Users are separated through a built in core access control system to allow teachers access to grading systems and educational integration, students access to educational integration set by their teachers, and administrators access to the scheduling system and grade access. A one line summary of this project is that it is an web based integrated SASI (schedule and grading), Blackboard (educational integration), and possible functions from the Intranet (directory, file access, etc). Limitations: Some limitations include the feasibility of processing through a scripting language designed for web applications, such as constraint satisfaction processing. Other limitations could include time because of the large integration needed between many functions.