Timmy Loffredo
p. 5 Latimer 9/30


Oct. 3 - Using Lightweight Java Graphics Library (LWJGL), start with a projectile affected by gravity.

Oct. 5 - prototype 1, air resistance. Should start making an API

Oct. 7 - downloaded netbeans - it works. collecting screenshots. will make 
  a document describing these screenshots. Catalog progress by dated folders.

Oct. 14 - Collection of the screenshots for logs is done. Now creating classes
   for Vector and Matrix

Oct. 21 - I'll download Rotation, Matrix, Vector, Queue classes, and try to run
with LWJGL.
 I'll try to run with:
 /LWJGL/lwjgl-linux-0.97/jar$ java -classpath lwjgl.jar:lwjgl_util.jar:lwjgl_devil.jar:lwjgl_fmod3.jar:FPS.jar:lwjgl_test.jar:. -Djava.library.path=../native fps.Main

 Nov 4 - Website

Nov 17 - 
A spring network prototype
Run SpringProto.java
Use Arrow key left, right, up, and down to accelerate one corner of the network in that direction.
Home and end accelerate it in the z direction.
When entirely in a plane, the network acts like jello.
When oblique, the network acts like cloth or paper.

Dec. 14 - Status Report UPDATE

I'm working on collision detection and handling. Right now, I just finished a 
sphere-plane collision detector, and I'm going to test it a bit and make sure 
it works properly. Right now, the sphere bounces up and down on the x-y plane, 
but will it work for an arbitrary plane? If it works the way it should, I will 
try to do a cube-plane collision detector. Eventually, a cube, or any other 
solid, will be represented by a set of planes, and solid-solid collision detection 
will work by checking every vertex of one solid against every plane of the other.
It'll probably have to be optimized so that it doesn't run too slow with multiple 