Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning: Game character evolution Title: Development of an Advanced Character Evolution System Objective: Every example of interactive electronic entertainment, commonly known as "video games", from simple Pac-Man to the epic Final Fantasy role playing games have characters. This project would take a closer look at a possible structure for the evolution of the characters over the course of a single game, particularly a tactical strategy game through abstract object orientation and the tracking of data. Justification: Taking a closer look at character evolution could potentially provide a deeper, more engaging, and more rewarding experience for participants in the interactive adventures. Description: This project would be done in JAVA, using simple GUIs to represent the game and to show information about the characters. Limitations: The Computer Systems lab is not as optimized for JAVA use as the Windows PCs of the school. If I were to spend time on this project, I may desire to do some coding on the Windows machines rather than the consoles in the Computer Systems lab.