3D Graphics: Rendering 2D maps in 3D Title: Three-Dimensional Renderings of a Two-Dimensional Topographic Map Objective: The objective of this project is to take a two-dimensional topographic map as input and render it as a three-dimensional representation. Justification: As a scout, avid hiker, and driver, I have been faced with this issue of visualizing the terrain that I will be traveling on as well as determining acurate distances. This project will hopefully minimize those problems. Description: The project will likely use OpenGL for the rendering, although a homemade method may be devised to aid in portability. The coding will be done in java unless it can be easily ported to C or C++. It is a goal of this project to portray the information in an appealing and user-friendly way. Limitations: The only limitations that I can forsee are those of being able to accomplish the project within the time constraints, though this should be accomplishable, and the issue of runtime. An analysis may have to be run to detrmine if the runtime requirements of the program are feasible for a real-world application.