Web Interface for the Matrix Mapping Tool Samuel Gross Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology Mentorship at Virtual Technology Corporation Objective As part of my mentorship at Virtual Technology Corporation, I will create a web interface for the Matrix Mapping Tool (MMT). The web interface will have the same functionality as the desktop application and a similar look and feel. Justification A web interface has many advantages over a purely desktop based application, including the ability to access it from any computer without the need to install additional software. Description The front-end of the web interface will be coded using HTML and JavaScript. I will use JavaScript to manipulate the Document Object Model (DOM) to provide the same functionality as the desktop application. The DOM provides functionality to dynamically change the web page, such as adding or modifying text or other elements, without needing to refresh the web page. I will use CSS style sheets to give the web interface a similar look and feel as the desktop application. The back-end of the web interface will consist of Java servlets that will rely heavily on existing code from the MMT project. I will also use Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript + XML) for bidirectional communication between the web interface and the server, without needing to refresh the web page. Limitations The principal limitation I will encounter is time; I will need to complete most of the web interface during my summer mentorship at VTC. Another important limitation is the varying support of the DOM between browsers. I will focus on supporting Internet Explorer 6 and Mozilla Firefox, because of time limitations.