Sam Davis
Period 3

Sigma LISP
in C
Sept. 24, Source code parser, input a string in the language, evaluate as 
valid/invalid, set up for evaluating the string

Oct 3/4 - writing the parser. Reading Paul Graham essays on Lisp and Programming

Oct. 6 - finished writing this phase of the parser.
   Will test this with Nick's code.  Build in capability of handling white space 
and comments. 

Oct. 13  -

Oct. 20 - waiting for Nick to debug his part of the program code.

Nov. 1 - Instructions on running his prototype
  Code he wrote: parser.c

Nov. 22 - Five Questions about Language Design
  - Being Popular (as a language)
   - Recursive Functions of Symbolic Expressions and Their Computation by Machine, Part I - the article introducing Lisp