Sean Colyer
Period 1

Creation of software and grid in a multiple operating systems distributed 
computing environment.

Sept. 24: locating distributed programming tools, xthread

Oct 3/4: XGrid compliant Server 

Oct 6 - on a field trip

Oct 13 - still working on the XGrid software, maybe in 2 weeks we should
 know success or failure.  Should be a grid within the work lab.

Oct. 17 - still trying to get XGrid to work

Oct. 20 - Xgrid agent for Java (Apple site) and Xgrid agent at Sourceforge

Oct. 27 - He's setting up prototype 1 - I'll telnet to a "server", just to connect
   and verify it's working.

Nov. 1 - Working implementing a profile for BeepCore - how the processors in an XGrid grid talk to each other.

Nov. 3 - hopefully will have the working prototype by grade time, this week.
  Check website

Nov. 17 - working on a some kind of client connection, I'll test this next week.

Nov 22  - using beepcore - from beep
    Here are Beep projects
    Sean's working on beepcore-java
    For me to run this will be sort of like Chase's group and the .jar file

Dec. 15 Current Status Update
	I'm working on replying to an XGrid message, the interaction between the
	client and server.  To do this I am looking at creating my own message 
	class. I am exploring the XGriMessage class from the Xgrid Agent for Java 
	and adapting it to work for the server end.
Dec 20-05
Today I worked on my XGridMessage class.  I need this in order to reply to 
messages.  For a first day it went well, I figured out the XML structure that I
will need in order for the XGridMessages to work properly.