Modeling:Random map and society generator. Title: Creation of a Detailed Random Map Objective: The objective of this project is to create a simulation to generate realistically random and unique maps of geographical, ecological, policital, and societal features. Justification: This project would create a totally unique world which could be used in the creation of a computer game, fiction book, or movie. As computers get faster, and computer graphics become more believable, it is only a matter of time before computers will be involved in generation of such material. In addition, it would be possible to seed the simulation with geography and/or societal factors. This would help answer hypothetical historical questions, such as the possible fate of a past civilization without some influece such as a religion or a geographical feature. Description: This simulation would start with a randomized geographical feature, and then the effects of time would be applied. Simple things such as rivers and mountains would be followed by food chains and simple evolution. The effects of this environment on inhabitants would be assessed, including such things as character, economics, and political attitudes. Finally, human civilization would be set up, by putting governments in place between probably political boundaries. This would all be done by moving the world through a series of simulations. If this were intended for as ficticious material, the program would attempt to create interesting situations, such as tension, war, or philosophically interesting situations. I would probably create a simple computer game for the purposes of demonstrating the products of this program. Limitations: Due to the complexity of reality, I cannot effectivelly simulate complex factors on economics and civilization in a single year. Since the complexity of civilizations increases dramatically over time, i would probably be limited to a time period far in the past, such as greece or the middle ages. Things such as improvements in communications and travel would greatly complicate this simulation. The large-scale nature of this generation would probably not easily lend itself to a more personal story, so at first it would be most useful for a Real Time or Turn Based Strategy game.