Ryan Zamani
Period 2

Title: Modeling of Economic Systems using Netlogo

Oct. 3/4 - starting with Netlogo to become familiar with modeling options

Oct. 6 - Starting from scratch, building turtles.

Oct. 13 - Starting initial Netlogo program, defining 2 different types of individuals.
  Economic based simulation.  I don't think he's defined much yet about a 
  particular economic model.

Oct. 17 - Adding attributes to agents that represent people.  Getting created and
 dying off.
  Will look into applet making, so we can view the progress on his website.

Oct. 20 Current version - Left wing/Right wing political individuals.  They change color as they cross over the boundary.
 Working on individuals' "dying" and "being born"

Dec. 20 - Current Status Update
     Every variable I have in my model has become adjustable and I am working on
reasonable limits to contain my varibles between as I have found it has become 
easy to "break" my program.  Also looking at defaults for my project.  I have 
fixed the algorithm in which agents were not dying, now agents move around 
correctly and live and die as they had before I allowed customization of 
variables.  Trying to impliment inequality to my simulation, right now my 
environment is randomized, but all agents are equal in abilities to survive.  
Thoughts include randomly adding agents which can travel to food faster and not
require as much food, thus giving agents advantages but not necessarily 
guarentee their survival as they may be placed in an area disadvantageous to 
them with a lesser abled agent spawning in an area of many resources.