Robert Leith
Need a proposal
Period 2

Java API is in: Sablescape API
( file:/afs/

Also working with LWJGL (Lightweight Java Graphics Library) to link up OpenGL 
with Java

Sept. 24: OpenGL lighting for THE GAME

Oct. 3 - writing a proposal: getting an OpenGL program structure for Chase Albert's java code

Oct. 6 - Working with Camera

Oct. 11 - New image problems - OpenGL, X library not found
freeglut (./double): OpenGL GLX extension not supported by display ':0.0'

Oct. 13 - Working on Camera class. I need to get access rights to this part of the API
   He's working in the fps.client package - on the Camera and Test classes, the
   render() method in Camera class.

Dec. 20 - Current Status Update - DUE