Ravi Kappiyoor Period 5 I. Game Engine for a 3D Game II. A group of friends and I have decided that we want to make a 3D first/third person shooter. While they have different components of the game, I have the job of combining all of those different components into one working piece. III. The goal of this project is to take several working components of a game and to turn it into an actual, working, game. This project is good for the Computer Systems Lab because it involves working with other people and trying to get code working. People that would be interested in the results would be the people that happen to come across it on the Internet. The results can be applied by playing the game. IV. We are making a game that we hope to get up on the Internet by the end of the year. Anyone that happened across the game would be able to play it. I think I will need to do a bit of research on how I can present periodical tests to show to Mr. Latimer, and I believe that it will help me get a feel of how it is like to work in a group to get a product finished. V. I will need to do research on how to show periodical tests to Mr. Latimer, and I will also need to do research on the actual code (our group is programming in Java, which is far from my best language.) VI. Subtasks: Design the game Find a time and place where the entire group can meet Tasks: Get components to work together Conduct periodic checkups to see how group is doing VII. We expect to have a game running and up on the Internet. The value to others would be playing the game. We should have the design of the game done by the beginning of October, and we should have a time and place where we can meet by the end of the week.