Artificial Intelligenc/Machine Learning: Mow card game Title: Machine Learning with the Mow Card Game Objective: My objective for this project is to end up with a program that allows the computer to intelligently play the card game Mow. Justification: I think this project would challenge me in many areas and allow me to reach a higher level of Computer Science comprehension, specifically having to do with computer learning, graphics, and sound. Description: Mow is a card game in which only one person (or possibly others if they've played before) knows the rules. Everyone else must determine what the rules are as they play. The players know when they've broken a rule because they have to take two cards. They can also pick things up from what the "mow" (the person who knows all the rules) does. After each round, the person who won that round is the new "mow". That person is then allowed to add a new rule to the game (of course, they don't tell the other players what the rule is) and the game goes on. Starting with small scenarios and working up to a full deck of cards, I would like to write a program so that the computer can play the game Mow in an intelligent manner. Upon completing the programming that allows the computer to play the game, I would like to add graphics and sound. Limitations: There are many barriers that may limit the success of this project. I really have no accurate conception of how long this project will take. It is possible that I may not have enough time to complete it. Another limiting factor is my personal knowledge. Currently, I do not know enough about Mow, graphics, or sound to complete this project. I may also require a deeper knowledge of artificial intelligence. On the other hand, this is a research project so that shouldn't be a very large barrier. Another possible barrier could be the equipment contained in the lab, but I don't think I will need to use anything that the lab does not currently have in order to complete this project.